RoVs were present throughout the year, with two peaks in March/Ap

RoVs were present throughout the year, with two peaks in March/April in the spring and in October/December in winter (Fig. 1). The objectives of this study were to investigate the prevalence and determine the G/P genotypes of RoVs isolated from patients with acute gastroenteritis in Seoul, Korea. Although sanitation conditions have improved globally, the relative

prevalence of RoV diarrhoea may still be increasing in developed countries including Ganetespib mouse Japan and Korea (7,10). In our study, 1423 fecal specimens were collected from children hospitalized with diarrhea, 269 (18.9%) of which were positive for RoVs. RoVs were the most frequently detected viral agent in stool samples from children less than three years of age presenting with acute gastroenteritis, as has been shown in previous global studies and reports from Korea (2,11,12).

RoV is the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis world wide, the incidence of RoV gastroenteritis being higher than of Norovirus gastroenteritis (2,13). Studies in Asia have demonstrated RoV in 45%–66.7% of diarrheal cases (11,14,15). In this study most of the globally common RoVs (G1, G2, G3, and G4) and other types (G8 and G9) were detected. Genotype G1 was observed to be broadly circulating in Korea, with overall incidences of  54.3%. This result is in agreement with the earlier findings that G1 was the most prevalent strain (45–81%) regardless of geographical area or season CDK inhibitor in Korea (16). Human G9 RoVs have recently been highlighted as the fifth most common strain in circulation. In this study, G9s

were infrequently identified (1%); much less than in reports from other Asian (54.8%–91.6%) and European (7.4%) countries (14,17,18). Analysis of P types indicated that P[8] was predominant, followed by P[6], P[4], P[9], and P[10]. This result is consistent with previous data that the most prevalent P type was P[8] in Korea and other countries (29,21,20). Genotype P[9] and P[10] were detected less frequently and have also been detected in previous studies in the region (11,20,23). In fact, More than 42 G/P combinations have been observed in at least one RoV case. Only a relatively small number of these combinations have been frequently reported in humans mafosfamide and genotypes G1P[8], G2P[4], G3P[8] and G4P[8] comprise nearly half of all the RoV infections in the world (7,23). In this study, G1P[8], G2P[4], and G3P[8] made up 47.6% of RoV genotypes, which suggests there were many kinds of RoV strains circulating in this region and period in Korea. Characterization of >2700 stool specimens world-wide for which both G and P types have been determined has revealed that the most prevalent strain is G1P[8], followed by strains G4P[8], G2P[4], and G3P[8][30]. G9P[8], G9P[4], G9P[9], and G9P[6] were also detected in 10.4%, 1.1%, 0.4%, and 0.4% of specimens, respectively.

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