During the clinical study, 3 14% (33/1,051) of samples tested by

During the clinical study, 3.14% (33/1,051) of samples tested by PCR did not yield a result at the first attempt. Of these, 11 had to be excluded from analysis

due to insufficient sample and 7 (all mucoid) samples produced errors at second attempt. Cost of these repeat samples was included in the overall PCR costing (see Appendix 1 in the ESM). PCR-positive patients were discharged on average 4.88 days earlier than CCNA-positive patients based on overall LOS and 4.33 days earlier when based on LOSSample PCR-negative patients were discharged a mean 7.03 days earlier than CCNA-negative patients considering overall LOS and 6.86 days earlier when LOS was calculated from date of sample collection (Table 2). None of these differences were statistically significant (P values 0.151–0.822). Log-transformation of the skewed LOS data (range 2–340 days) in order to meet the assumption of normality and retesting with #selleck chemicals llc randurls[1|1|,|CHEM1|]# ANOVA did not change the results. Table 1 Costs and resource utilization of PCR and CCNA testing for Clostridium difficile infection per sample (based on 10,000 samples a year) Resource PCR CCNA Positive/negative Positive Negative Material cost (including waste and repeat samples) (£) 34.59 2.08 Capital and overheads (£) 1.02 2.58 Staff cost (including training) (£) 0.57 find more 2.87 4.11 Overall test cost (£) 36.18 7.53 8.78 Incremental cost of

PCR compared to CCNA per test (£) n/a 28.65 27.40 Total hands-on staff

time (sample reception to reporting) (min) 3.82 15.27 20.27 Average time to reportable result (sample reception to reporting) (h) 1.53 22.45 46.54 CCNA cell culture cytotoxin neutralization assay, n/a not applicable, PCR polymerase chain reaction Table 2 Length of hospital stay of inpatients suffering from diarrhea following PCR and CCNA testing for Clostridium difficile Parameters CDI positive CDI negative n (CCNA) 115 124 n (PCR) 121 146 LOS (CCNA) in days; mean (95% CI) 47.67 (37.85–57.48) 45.52 (37.99–53.05) LOS (PCR) in days; mean (95% CI) 42.79 (35.95–49.63) 38.49 (32.05–44.92) Mean difference in LOS (PCR vs. CCNA); mean (95% CI) −4.88 (−19.39–9.62; P = 0.822) −7.03 (−20.66–6.60; P = 0.545) Oxymatrine Number of patients in 2011 in ABMUHB 289 5,240 Inpatient days saved per year 1,410.32 36,837.20 ABMUHB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board, CCNA cell culture cytotoxin neutralization assay, CDI Clostridium difficile infection, CI confidence interval, LOS length of stay, PCR polymerase chain reaction Applying the mean values for LOS differences in our calculations (Appendix 2 in the ESM), routine use of real-time PCR had the potential to save 38,247 bed days in ABMUHB in 2011 with the main proportion of this figure (96%) being contributed by shorter LOS of negative patients. Mean cost savings of up to £2,292.

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