001) between
the groups with respect to CV absorbance. (This difference can also be observed when the three outliers, marked by stars, in group C2 and the two outliers in group C3 are discarded from the analysis.) Tukey’s post-hoc test revealed that the presence of both flagella/pili (group C1) contributes to a significantly higher click here biofilm biomass (as compared to groups C2-C4). Diversity Selonsertib manufacturer in biofilm architecture among P. aeruginosa isolates Having shown statistically that the isolates possessing both twitching and swimming motility produced greater biofilm biomass we set out to investigate the architecture of biofilms produced by members of this group. We gfp tagged 5 isolates exhibiting different motility/biofilm biomass combinations: 17 and 40 (twitch+, swim+, biofilm+++), 41 (twitch-, swim+, biofilm+), 55 and 80 (twitch-, swim-, biofilm+). The resulting gfp-tagged isolates had growth rates identical to those of the parental strains (data not shown). P. aeruginosa ATCC15442 was used as a control
to ensure that reactor did not influence biofilm morphology and following staining with Syto9 and propidium iodide, characteristic mushroom-shaped biofilms of P. aeruginosa ATCC15442 were observed in a number of different reactors. Spatial biofilm distribution in the tagged strains was measured over time in a glass capillary flow reactor selleck chemicals and images were acquired with CLSM at regular 12 h intervals at random positions in the flow chambers. Visual inspection revealed that the
biofilm architecture of the P. aeruginosa CF isolates was significantly different from that of the ATCC control strain (Fig. 3). Among the isolates tested, 17, 40 and 41 gave biofilm growth while isolates 55 and 80 did not attach to the glass capillary. Isolates were observed as microcolonies on day 1 and formed a biofilm within 48 h of inoculation. They continued to grow until the 7th day with a maximum thickness of 75 μm for isolates 17 and 40 and 145 μm for isolate 41. Isolate 17 formed Teicoplanin a mushroom-shaped biofilm that appeared after 48 h of growth, while isolate 40 formed a flat biofilm with small hilly structures spatially distributed. The biofilm formed by isolate 41, was flat and was the thickest among the isolates. Although stains 55 and 80 showed weak attachment to microtitre dish wells, other than a transient superficial attachment at seven hours no attachment was observed from 12 hours onward in the glass capillary flow reactor. We observed that cell attachment proceeding to biofilm formation was dependent upon the attachment substrate. Figure 3 CSLM images of GFP-tagged Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms in a glass capillary flow reactor 72 h post-inoculation, showing variation in biofilm structure. (A) control strain P. aeruginosa ATCC15442; (B) P. aeruginosa CF isolate 17; (C) P. aeruginosa CF isolate 40 (D) P. aeruginosa CF isolate 41. Entrapment of non-biofilm forming P.